Assessment Complaints

If you have inquiries regarding an assessment appeal, or the appeal process, please contact the assessment appeal board clerk, or call the office main line and ask to speak to the clerk. 

The Assessment Complaint Deadline is August 12, 2024.

Should you choose to file a complaint, the completed Assessment Complaint Form and required fee must be received by the Clerk of the Assessment Review Board no later than 4:30 pm on August 12, 2024.

Within the adopted fee schedule (Bylaw 61/2023), and in accordance with Section 460 (1) of the Municipal Government Act, Council for Foothills County required that the appropriate fee (as outlined below) accompany all complaints. Complaints filed without the appropriate fees are to be deemed invalid.

Assessment Complaints

Category of ComplaintFee
Residential, 3 or fewer dwelling units, or farm land$50.00
Residential, 4 or more dwelling unit$650.00
Business Tax$50.00