Naming Roads
Roads which align with a County numbered road alignment will be allocated a number by default. In the case of internal subdivision roads that do not align, the developer may apply to name them. All road names must be approved by Council. A request for road naming should be submitted early in the subdivision application process to the County planner or planning officer assigned to the application file.
The request for road naming carries an application fee which may be determined by referring to the Fee Schedule online in the Resource Library, in addition, the applicant is responsible for providing a deposit based on the number of signs that will be required. These fees will be assessed once the required documentation has been submitted and the public works department has had the opportunity to determine how many road signs will be required. The application fees will be due before the application can be taken to Council for approval.
911 Rural Addresses
Rural addressing helps 911 operators to help fire; ambulance and police find your home quickly in the event of an emergency.
It is recommended that every new lot created in the County be assigned a 911 address. This address identifies the location of the primary access to the property and uses the existing street and avenue grid in the County with streets running north-south and avenues running east-west (see below). Request a 911 address by contacting Foothills County with your tax roll number or legal land description: Lot, Block, Plan (if applicable) and Quarter, Section, Township, Range and Meridian).
The addresses are assigned by the Foothills County GIS department based on the distance of the driveway from the lower numbered adjacent perpendicular street or avenue (real or virtual) with EVEN numbered addresses assigned to the east side of streets and the north side of avenues and ODD numbered addresses assigned to the west side of streets and the south side of avenues.
The address number may be up to 6-digits long and is divided into two parts. The first 3 digits is reserved for the reference street or avenue number, while the last 3 digits consist of the address unit - a number between 1 and 260
911 Address Signs
Once a 911 rural address has been assigned you may order an address sign from a local sign company. Here is more information on rural addresses.
Specifications for the sign may be found in the Rural Addressing section of the MD Website.