Highway 2A Corridor
The Highway 2A Corridor is the primary location for industrial and commercial development within Foothills County. The corridor is a place for business growth that compliments the environmental and social needs with the economic objective for the region.
There is one Area Structure Plan for the Corridor, the Highway 2A Industrial Area Structure Plan (H2AIASP). Land within the plan area encompasses a broad range of uses and land use intensities.
Highway 2A Industrial Area Structure Plan
H2AI Appendix A: Outline Plan Requirement
H2AI Appendix B: Design Guidelines
H2AI Appendix C: Implementation Strategy
H2AI Appendix D: Transportation Network Study
H2AI Appendix E: Servicing Strategy Report
H2AI Appendix E: Servicing Strategy Appendix A
H2AI Appendix E: Servicing Strategy Appendix B, C, D, E & F
The corridor consists of 8587 acres of land, all privately owned. All development and subdivision approvals are based on submitted proposals. Please contact our Planning & Development Department for more information. 403-652-2341.
Business Parks
Located throughout the Highway 2A Corridor are several Business Parks containing fully serviced lots. To inquire further information on these lots please contact the private developer directly.
*If your Business Park information is not shown above and you would like to have it listed please contact our Economic Development Officer @ (403) 652-2341 to find out how.