Positions are available for Boards and Committees of Foothills County. If you are interested in applying, please check the links below:
- Board and Committee Vacancies
- Board and Committee Application
- Printable Description of Boards & Committees (listed below)
The Assessment Review Board hears complaints on assessments to ensure that assessments are fair and equitable in relation to assessments on other, similar properties in the municipality. The Board then directs any necessary amendments to be made to the assessment roll.
A Local Assessment Review Board (LARB) has been created to hear matters that are shown on an assessment notice for residential property with 3 or fewer dwelling units, farmland, or a tax notice other than a property tax notice.
A Composite Assessment Review Board (CARB) has been created to hear all other matters.
The Local Assessment Review Board (LARB) is composed of trained local members that are appointed by Council. The Composite Assessment Review Board (CARB) is composed of two trained local members and one provincially approved member who will be the presiding officer. This board will hear complaints about assessments for all property in the municipality, excluding residential properties with three or less dwelling units and farm land. (unless subject to the jurisdiction of the Municipal Government Board).Blackie Recreation Board has been created to facilitate and manage recreational and public facilities in the Hamlet of Blackie. This Board consists of stakeholders from the Hamlet of Blackie as well as one Councillor from Foothills County and one Rural Representative appointed by Council.
The Blackie Seed Cleaning Plant Board oversees the operations of the seed cleaning plant. One Councillor from Foothills County sits on this board.
The Bow River Basin Council is a multi-stakeholder, charitable organization dedicated to continuing activities for the improvement and protection of the waters of the Bow River Basin. The Council is made up of: commercial/industrial members; licensee members; non-profit and academia members; regulatory, administrative and first nations members; and, municipal government members, including Foothills County. One Councillor from Foothills County sits on the Council.
The Cayley Recreation Board facilitates and manages recreation and public use facilities and areas within the Hamlet of Cayley. This Board consists of stakeholders from the Hamlet of Cayley as well as one Councillor from Foothills County and one Rural Representative appointed by Council.
This Committee was created to facilitate the working relationship between Foothills County and the City of Calgary, the ongoing sharing of information between elected officials and municipal staff, and to provide a forum in which to review and comment on a range of topics of interest to both municipalities.
This Committee is made up of three Councillors from Foothills County and three Councillors from the City of Calgary.
The Community Standards Appeal Board was formed due to the Community Standards Bylaw. This board hears appeals from citizens who have received remedial orders because they ere, in the eyes of the peace officer, in contravention of the aforementioned bylaw. The board is comprised of two Council members as well as area residents.
The Cross Conservancy Area is a 4,800 acre day-use natural area located just southwest of the City of Calgary. The Conservation Area is dedicated to protecting habitat and providing space for native species of wildlife; offering conservation education programs without jeopardizing wildlife and habitat; and managing human use of the Area through 'entry by appointment only.' The Board consists of area stakeholders including as well as one Councillor from Foothills County.
The Dark Sky Initiative aids the efforts of Foothills County in becoming more aware of the night time environment and how it can be adversely affected by human activities. The initiative will minimize the impacts of lighting yards, streets, and commercial and industrial developments. They meet on an as needed basis to enhance intermunicipal cooperation to get the region as a whole to address the issue of dark skies collectively.
The Group consists of area stakeholders and representatives from surrounding municipalities including two Councillors each from Foothills County, the Towns of Black Diamond, Turner Valley, High River, and Okotoks, and the Village of Longview.
This board is made up of community members as well as Council members. Its’ purpose is to make decision on appeals that have been filed with respect to decisions issued for development permits. This board meets on an as-needed basis.
The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate the review and amendment of the IDP and to create a framework for an ongoing working relationship between both municipalities. In addition, the IMC will enable the ongoing sharing of information between elected officials and municipal staff and provide a forum in which to review and comment on a range of topics of interest to the municipalities.
Two members of the Council of Foothills County sit on the Diamond Valley Intermunicipal Committee.
The board was created to address sport and recreation infrastructure in the communities of Heritage Pointe, Heritage Heights, Davisburg, and surrounding areas, including the new Heritage Heights multiuse arena, and various soccer and baseball fields in the area. The Board is comprised of various Division 6 residents, as well as the Division Councillor.
The Economic Development Advisory Committee (the Committee) was established by Foothills County Council in order to foster a positive business climate and support economic development in the County.
The Committee will meet at least four(4) times per year.
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a joint funding initiative between the provinces and municipalities. The mandate of the FCSS is to promote volunteerism and to develop programs within the community that are preventative in nature and to: enhance, strengthen and support family and community life; improve people's ability to identify and act on their own needs; help avert family or community social breakdown; provide citizens with information about its planning and operation; and, encourage cooperation and coordination with other service agencies.
This Committee is made up of community and municipal stakeholders and includes two Council members from Foothills County.
The Agricultural Service Board has been created under the Agricultural Service Board Act to look after weed and pest control within Foothills County, water conservation programs, assists in the control of animal disease, promotes, enhances and protects viable and sustainable agriculture with a view to improving the economic viability of the agricultural producer, and promotes and develops agricultural policies to meet the needs of Foothills County.
The Board includes three Council members from Foothills County, one of which is chair of the Board.
The Foothills Cemetery Board is comprised of a Council representative from the Town of Diamond Valley, Foothills County; an appointed member from Turner Valley Legion #78; and one member at large appointed by the Board from one of the three municipalities. The Board oversees the Foothills Cemetery with Foothills County as the managing partner that provides administration and operations.
Foothills Land Trust (FLT) protects ecologically sensitive private lands in Foothills County, mainly through the placement of conservation easements on private land titles. FLT is a local, community-based, land trust operated entirely by a small group of dedicated volunteers.
Our mission is to conserve and connect natural and sustainable working landscapes within development-probable areas of Foothills County. One of our key initiatives is to protect and maintain important wildlife corridors and riparian areas within the context of the larger Bow River Basin.
We were established in response to a growing interest in land conservation within the County and because of an expressed desire for a land trust responsive to local needs. FLT specializes in taking on smaller properties that are not suited to larger regional and national organizations. FLT then looks to add other suitable properties nearby to achieve connectivity on a small scale.
This Society is a joint committee of Foothills County and the Town of Okotoks, overseeing joint recreational assets and endeavours including the Regional Field House at Aldersyde.
The Foothills Regional Airport is owned by Foothills County. The County operates and maintains the airport and manages the land, including hangar rentals/ sales, as well as terminal management. Two Council members sit on this Board, as well as elected members of the airport community.
The Foothills Regional Emergency Services Commission (FRESC) was created upon the amalgamation of the existing Highwood EMS, Oilfields and District EMS, and the Foothills Regional Communications Centre. The Commission exists under the authority of the Municipal Government Act of Alberta and the Foothills Regional Emergency Services Commission Regulation.
The Service is led by an Executive Director who is currently seconded half time to the Calgary Health Region. The senior leadership team also includes a Director of Operations and a Director of Finance and Communications. EMS crews are lead on a daily basis by three shift leaders. Each of the Foothills County, the Kananaskis Improvement District, the Towns of Black Diamond, Turner Valley, Okotoks, High River, Nanton, and the Village of Longview have one Council member as a representative on the Commision.
The Commission is a separate legal entity established in 1989 by the Province at the request of the Town of Okotoks, the Town of High River, and Foothills County. In 1992 the Commission was expanded to include the Towns of Turner Valley and Black Diamond. The Regional Services Commission is responsible for the operations of the Foothills Regional Waste Management Facility and the Frank Lake Effluent Pumping Station.
The Commission consists of one Council representative from each of Foothills County, and the Towns of Okotoks, High River, Black Diamond, Turner Valley, and Nanton.
The purpose of the IMC is to foster a productive working relationship between the Town and County, facilitate the ongoing sharing of information between elected officials and municipal staff, provide recommendations to both Councils on intermunicipal matters, including recommendations for lands of mutual interest, oversee the implementation of the IDP, play a role in the resolution of intermunicipal disputes as outlined in the IDP, act as a negotiation committee on matters such as proposed annexations, servicing agreements, or joint planning areas, when directed by the respective Councils to do so, provide a forum in which to review and comment on a range of topics of interest to both municipalities, and cooperatively address provincial and regional matters of mutual interest.
Three members of the Council of Foothills County sit on the Town of High River / Foothills County Intermunicipal Committee.
The Highwood Management Plan deals with matters directly relevant to the Highwood Diversion Plan and information requirements of the Natural Resources Conservation
Board/Canadian Environment Assessment Agency Joint Review Panel. The Plan also addresses other aspects of water management in the Highwood River Basin, including Water Conservation Objectives and the current moratorium on Water Act approvals in the basin.
This Committee is led by Alberta Environment and includes two Council members from Foothills County.
The Historical Committee is tasked with identifying, locating and collecting information about historic features within Foothills County. Foothills County has three Council members that sit on this Committee and up to five citizens at large.
This Committee focuses on the development of industrial lands in areas that affect more than one municipality, including Foothills County.
Two Council members from Foothills County sit on this committee as well as one member at large appointed by Council.
The Joint Health and Safety Committee works to ensure the safety of employees of the Foothills County as well as public persons who may be in attendance at any Foothills County facility. The Committee consists of one Foothills County Council members as well as the CAO and staff members.
The Leighton Art centre is situation on 80 acres of land 15 km southwest of Calgary. It features the historic home of renowned artist A.C. Leighton and his wife Barbara. The Leighton Foundation exists to keep the legacy of the Leighton's alive by creating the resources to offer exceptional experiences to see, learn, and create art. The Art Centre hosts day trips for school classes as well as adult art classes.
The Board of Directors consists of private and public stakeholders as well as individual members at large. One Councillor from Foothills County sits on this Board.
Two members of the Council of Foothills County sit on the Longview Intermunicipal Committee.
The Marigold Library System provides leadership and library resource to the interdependent network of its members. It is a proactive source of current and historical information on issues and trends, it assumes the responsibility of leadership, and provides the means for sharing material and human resources.
Marigold consists of individual libraries organized in a network which collectively serves residents of south-central Alberta. Each member library has an individual library board made up of community stakeholders. Foothills County has one Council member that sits on the Marigold Library Board.
The Recreation Board provides and manages recreation opportunities for residents within the Hamlet of Millarville and surrounding area. One Council member from Foothills County sits on this Board.
The board was created to address sport and recreation infrastructure in the communities within divisions 3, 4 &5. The Board is comprised of various division 3, 4 & 5 residents, as well as the division Councillors.
This Committee meets on matters of mutual interest to both parties. The Committee may make recommendations on inter-municipal matters to the respective Council's current topics including annexation, transportation issues, regional parks and recreation development proposals in both municipalities, and discussion about urban fringe and other major inter-municipal issues in lieu of a regional planning system. Three members of Foothills County Council sit on this Committee as well as three members of the Town of Okotoks Council.
This Recreation Board facilitates the management of recreation facilities within the Priddis and Red Deer Lake areas of Foothills County. One member of Foothills County Council sits on the Board.
The Rural Fire Board overseas the operation and management of Fire Departments within the County. Two Council members of Foothills County sit on this Board.
This Committee was established in order to create a dialogue between Foothills County and local law enforcement agencies, providing insight for Foothills County on initiatives of the RCMP, Foothills Enforcement, and Alberta Sheriffs Branch. This also creates an avenue for Foothills County Council and Crime Watch groups to raise concerns and awareness of enforcement needs within the County.
Two members of Council, three members of Foothills crime watch associations, and two Foothills County residents sit on this board.
The Staff Review Committee reviews the performance of staff members of Foothills County. The Review Committee consists of the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of Foothills County.
The Subdivision Appeal Board listens to appeals concerning subdivision within Foothills County and makes decisions based on the information provided for in these appeals. One Foothills County Council members sits on this Board.
Westwinds Communities care for the needs of senior citizens by providing such services as affordable assisted living and transportation to seniors in communities within Foothills County. The Board consists of stakeholder including municipalities and includes one Council member from Foothills County.
Other Boards
- Agricultural Service Board - Provincial Commitee
- Agriculture Appeal Board
- Alberta Municipal Climate Leadership Council
- Annexation Negotiation Committee
- Audit Committee
- Calgary Region Airshed Zone (CRAZ)
- CMRB - Calgary Metropolitan Region Board
- CMRB - Land-Use Committee
- CMRB - Servicing Committee
- CMRB - Governance Committee
- Emergency Advisory Committee
- Foothills Little Bow Municipal Association
- Foothills Regional Water and Wastewater Collaborative
- Highwood Management Plan Advisory Committee
- Mayors and Reeves of Southern Alberta
- County Cemeteries Committee (Blackie, Cayley, Pine Creek & Davisburg cemeteries)
- Okotoks Public Library Board
- Regional School Site Planning Task Force
- Sheep River Regional Utility Corp.
- Spitzee Riparian Stewardship Committee
- Town of Diamond Valley Library Board (Sheep River Library)