Foothills County is currently selling lots in Cayley. Various lots are available for purchase and are subject to a restrictive covenant, which has been registered under the Land Titles Act.
Cayley Lots Currently Available with Lot Sizes and Price List
Below is a map indicating the available lots for purchase (pink).
To see the lot sizes and price list, please click here.

Restrictive Covenant
To view the Restrictive Covenant placed on Plan 0813069, Block 9, Lots 1-7,9-13 and Plan 0813068, Block 8, Lots 13-17,19-25 please, click here.
Purchasing a Lot
If you are interested in making an offer on a lot, please email the offer to the Planning Department in writing including the following details:
- Offer addressed to Foothills County Council;
- Legal Description of the Lot you would like to make the offer on;
- Offer amount;
- Confirmation that you have reviewed the Restrictive Covenant and agree to the terms outline in this document; and
- Anything other information you wish to include.