Click here to watch the Natural Resource Conservation Board's September 20, 2023 presentation to Foothills County Council.
Click here to watch the Rimrock Renewables / Tidewater Renewables information session that was hosted by Foothills County Council on January 25, 2023.
A public meeting for the purpose of learning more about Rimrock Renewable LP's proposed Biodigester Facility was held on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.
Rimrock Renewables LP, in partnership with Tidewater Renewables Ltd. and Korova Feeders Ltd. (the 3 partners) are proposing the development of a Biodigester Facility to be built adjacent to Rimrock Feeders in a location indicated on the map below.
The purpose of the Public Meeting was to provide an opportunity for the 3 partners to inform Foothills County landowners about the planned facility and to answer questions that have been submitted by the residents of Foothills County.
We would like to thank the representatives from Rimrock Renewables and Tidewater Tidewater Renewables for the information that was presented during the information session.
For additional information on the proposed Biodigester Facility, please visit the Rimrock Renewables website.
To review the information bulletin posted by the Natural Resource Conservation Board (NRCB) regarding odour complaints at Rimrock Feeders, please click here.