Joint Planning Area 4 (JPA 4) Context Study

Joint Planning Area 4 Update: 
The Foothills County / Town of High River Intermunicipal Committee (IMC) approved a motion at their December 5th meeting to temporarily suspend work on the JPA 4 Context Study project. This was in response to an announcement from the Minister of Municipal Affairs on November 22nd regarding the Government of Alberta defunding of the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board and changing membership from mandatory to voluntary. It is expected that the IMC will consider whether to proceed with the JPA 4 project or permanently discontinue it at a future meeting in early 2025, after more information has been provided by the Province.

Joint Planning Area 4 Context Study 

Town of High River and Foothills County working together, along with landowners and interested parties on a Context Study for Joint Planning Area 4, as required by Calgary Municipal Regional Board's Growth Plan. 

A letter and survey were circulated to area landowners and interested parties in Spring 2024. The What We Heard Report can be found here.

The Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) was established by the Government of Alberta in 2018 and includes eight member municipalities. 

Under provincial legislation, members of the CMRB were required to work together to prepare a Growth Plan and a Servicing Plan to ensure a strategy would be in place to prepare for growth in the region. The development of the growth plan included three phases of engagement where landowners and stakeholders across the region were asked to provide input. The completed regional Growth Plan went into effect August 15,2022. The Growth Plan will set the stage for the next 25-30 years, and plans for an anticipated population increase of one million people. in the Calgary Metropolitan Region. All development in the region must now comply with the Growth Plan. 

The Town of High River and Foothills County are working together on a Context Study for a Joint Planning Area made up of lands in both the County and the Town. 

This Joint Planning Area was identified in the regional Growth Plan and is known as JPA 4. A Context Study is a type of background report that looks at land use and servicing in an area that is of interest to both municipalities and where there may be opportunities for collaboration. Collaboration is important to the success of a strategic approach to anticipated future growth. It is also important to ensure property owners within the Joint Planning Area are aware of plans and empowered with information to prepare for the future. 

JPA 4 Context Study is required to be completed by August 2025

A map showcasing an area outside of High River

The Context Study provides an opportunity to look at potential opportunities for our two municipalities to work together to coordinate planning for land use and servicing in the joint planning area. This may include:

  • Partnering on infrastructure projects and sharing facilities; 
  • Integrating transportation routes;
  • Connecting open space and pathway systems;
  • Protecting environmentally significant areas that span our boundaries, and;
  • Helping to avoid cross-boundary land use impacts. 

Commitment to inform and Engage with Landowners, Interested Parties and the Public to Develop the Context Study 

An Engagement Plan for this area was approved on December 7, 2023 by the Foothills / High River Intermunicipal Committee. Beginning in early 2024 Foothills County and the Town of High River will work together to inform and engage with landowners, interested parties and the public to identify key issues in the area and to develop objectives for the Context Study. 

For further information: Scroll down the the menus below
Spring 2024: A letter and survey were circulated to area landowners and interested parties. View the What We Heard Report.
Fall 2024 - Open House: Once a date is chosen for the Open House it will be promoted and we look forward to seeing you there. 

Contact Us:

You are invited to contact Foothills County or the Town of High River Planning & Development staff with your questions. We are committed to engaging with landowners, residents, businesses and other key interested parties when making decisions that have the potential to impact them.

Foothills County contact information:

Town of High River contact information:

Please read through the information below for more details and useful links.